Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Blend In For What??

"Why fit in baby girl, when you were born to stand out?!"

   When I was growing up I struggled with identify. I didn’t know who I was. I simply struggled with being myself.  I wanted to hang out with the cool girls and dress like them. I did things that made me very uncomfortable just to be included. I compromised and allowed a lot of things to happen in my life because I wanted to fit in. One day God spoke to me and He said, “When are you going to realize that I made you to stand out? The reason you don’t fit in with those girls is because you don’t belong in the crowd. You are not a follower. No matter how hard you try you will never be happy being someone else. “You are beautiful and wonderfully made in My image.” When will you realize that?”

 I just sat there. I knew the things that I was doing wasn’t me at all. I knew that I had to repent and ask God to help me to be the person that He is calling me to be.  As believers it is not our focus to “fit in” but to stand out. Romans 12:2 says, Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” In order to be transformed into Gods character, we need to reject the pattern of the world. Just because we live in the world doesn’t mean we have to be of the world. Do you know I was so busy trying to keep up with those girls that I was missing all the opportunities that God was giving me to minister to His people? That’s the goal! We don’t realize that us being different is what challenges and draws unbelievers to God. If I was out going to the club every time it opened, how could I portray myself as saved to someone who wasn’t saved? They would look at me and say, “You’re saved and you do what I do. How can you be so different than me?” My pastors say, “You can’t act a fool Monday-Saturday and turn around and act saved on Sunday.” It doesn’t work that way.

  When we give God a true yes, our faithfulness to Him will be more important than the popularity of the world. We won’t even be worried or impressed by worldly possessions. Let alone worried about what the world thinks of us (Galatians 1:10). I used to think that I could live for God but still dibble and dabble in the world. Honey, I was so wrong! You cannot have one foot in the kingdom and one foot in the world. By living that way, I was showing God that I had turned my back on Him and I was serving the devil. I know you may be wondering, “Well you were still living for God. Everyone has weak moment.” Yes you’re right we all have moments where we are weak, BUT I knew what I was doing. I wanted to do it. I wanted to do it my way. Once we give our life to God it’s not about what you want anymore. You can’t have your way. You have to submit to His will. I didn’t want to live a life that wasn’t pleasing to God. I knew that wasn’t Gods desire for me, and I know that that isn’t Gods desire for you either. I’m here to let you know that it’s okay to be different, to stand out, to live saved, and to believe in something greater than you. Don’t let anyone discourage you and tell you that just because you are young you can’t live for God (1 Tim. 4:12). The time is now that we take a stand and live our lives for God. 

Helpful Tips on How to Stand Out:

·         Ask God to forgive you and to help you to be the person that He has called you to be.
·         Shut some stuff down! Know that there are places you just can’t go anymore. There are some things you can’t do. Most importantly there are some people that you can’t hang out with anymore. This was one of the hardest things I had to deal with (and I still deal with). I had to realize that everybody can’t go where God is taking me. Some friendships/relationships and even family members have to go. Especially if they aren’t Godly relationships. 
·         Fellowship with others Christians, with people that have the same desire as you do to live for God.
·         Yes the road may seem hard but know that everything is for a purpose. Don’t get discouraged and don’t give in.God is shaping you into the person He is calling you to be.


Tuesday, June 25, 2013


 Do you ever sit and really think about Gods love? I mean like really thought about it. Gods love is so pure. Its Unconditional. Unlike man Gods love doesn't change when we do something wrong. Even when we want to do our own things, He still loves us. Even when we think we know more than God, He still loves us. Even when we do things that we think are unforgiveable, things we can't even stomach to ask God to forgive us from, He still loves us and He will forgive us if we ask for it. God holds no grudges. So remember, it doesnt matter what you did last year, last month, last week, last night, this morning, or 10 minutes ago God still loves you. He never stopped. He never will. Are you ready to receive His love? Because He's waiting on you.....

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sick of Lonely

 With Valentine’s Day slowly approaching I thought what a better time to talk about loneliness and loving yourself. Today we are going to discuss loneliness. My next post will be about loving yourself. As you know, social media is taking over the world lol. I am so addicted to Instagram its not even funny. But I noticed so many people on there talking about how lonely they are and how Valentine’s Day is going to suck and how they want love. I can’t help but think about myself, “Was I that bad??”  Answer: Yes, I was. 
 Not too long ago I used to be a girl that wanted to be loved. I loved everything about love. I loved seeing people in love; seeing people happy; just the whole thought of love made my heart warm and fuzzy. I wanted it. So I talked to God and I asked, “God how is it that I want it but don’t have it? I’m tired of feeling lonely. When is my time going to come?” God replied, “Because you don’t know Me. You don’t love yourself the way that you should. You look and you search for love everywhere else but yet you overlook the one person who loves you most, who loved you first.” The tears begin to flow. God just put me in check. I was told, “It’s better to be corrected in private and get it right than to be corrected harshly in public.”  I made up my mind that night that I was going to love me more, I was going to build a relationship with God, and I was going to fall head over heels in love with Him. I was going to trust Him like never before and allow Him to have control of my life and my heart. 
That was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made :)  
 God wants to show so many of us the unconditional love that we so desire. He doesn’t want us to feel loveless or lonely. What we must understand is that God will separate us from anything in our life that we are dependent on other than Him! Heather Lindsey says, “Loneliness comes when you develop a need for others.” We sometimes need validation or even seek guidance from the people around us more so than the God who created us, the one that knows us best. Whenever we are feeling lonely that’s Gods way of calling us back to Him. That’s the great thing about God. We may not see or understand why God does some of the things He does but, it’s all for a purpose. So yes some of those relationships have to go. Some of those friendships have to die. God wants us to draw nearer to Him. He longs for a deeper communion with us. His arms are wide open and He’s waiting to love you. How do I know this? He did it for me. He showed me more love than I had ever imagined. God loves you like crazy and He wants the best for you. So rest and know that God will never leave you nor forsake you.
 Food for thought:
A lot of times we aren’t aware that what we put into our hearts (music, TV shows, social media, etc.) are the main causes that’s pulling us into feeling “lonely” (Proverbs 4:23). So here are some little points on how to shut your emotions up.
1.   Turn off the sad love songs! Don’t get me wrong now, I love me some Monica /Slow Jams Pandora station just like anybody else BUT, whenever I am feeling down and out I do NOT play any of that. Why? Because those people go on and on about how sad they are and how hurt they are for what, 4:00 minutes at the most? You have just set a depressing atmosphere for yourself my dear. Cut it off, Get OUT of your feelings, and into your word! Try listening to Tasha Cobbs (love her), Tashawn Mitchell, Kierra Sheard something uplifting.
2. Be content! (Philippians 4:11) Stop looking at all these celebrity couples on TV and on Instagram and thinking, “Hey I want that.” I am so guilty of that. Don’t get me wrong it’s nothing wrong with admiring but want what God has for you. We have got to be content and thankful for the state that we are in. We don’t know what goes on behind closed doors in their lives. We don’t see their struggles. We cannot RUSH GOD!! Cause let me tell you, I rushed God one time. Prayed and prayed for something and when HE gave it to me (Cause God gives us what we ask for) I was praying for Him to take it back. I had no peace. I’m saying all this to say stop trying to have God alter your life on the things you want rather than the things you need

Love Always,



 By no reason am I looking down on anybody or pointing the finger. I too have lonely days. Know that everything that I write I have been through it or going through it :) Just wanted to make that part clear 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What to Wear

Hey Everybody!!

I'm back and I'm here to do a little review. Back in December I was in this Christian bookstore just browsing I think I was looking for a Joyce Meyers book I can't remember but anyway I stumbled across this book called, "Little pink book on: What to wear" by Cathy Bartel.
My first thought was that the book was going to be about dressing classy and outward appearance, but not only does she talk about that she also talks about inner beauty, modesty, your faith, Gods love, and just becoming a better woman of God. How what you believe in, your confidence, and how you carry yourself all makes you beautiful and I LOVE that!!
I think that every woman who is walking with God or trying to find out who you are in God should definitely pick this book up. It's inexpensive I think I only paid $5 for it and its small only 90 pages and it can fit in your purse. I loved it. It's definitely one of those books you go back and read and get little tips and scriptures out of.
Oh and her husband writes books as well his name is Blaine Bartel. I actually picked up "Little black book on Sex & Dating" I haven't read it yet my boyfriend just finished it and he said it was very good and informative lol.

Let me know if you have other books you think I would be interested in or just books that blessed you. I love to read so I'm always up for a good book

Talk to you soon,


A few pics below. Yes I have my alone time with God in my car lol

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy New Year!

Good Morning Everybody!! Happy New Year!
It's been a long time since I've sent out my morning messages but I'm back and I'm going to try to stick to it. This mornings verse is "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33 NIV).
Sometimes I have days where I feel really defeated. I don't feel good about anything. Everything seems to be going wrong in every area of my life. Before I began my relationship with God I felt like nobody understood what I was going through. (Sometimes i still feel like that) Even when I called my friends and sat on the phone crying and talking for hours, I would only receive a temporary relief. And don't get me wrong I still have moments when I call my best friend and vent but I soon realized can't nobody give what God gives me. How can I sit here and ask for advice from someone who hasn't defeated the problem for themselves? Cause guess what 10 minutes after you get off the phone you are going to sink right back into your problems. They only gave you temporary relief that everything would be alright. No I would rather talk to someone who has overcome the very obstacle that has me bound.
That's what God wants us to do. He wants us to have peace not be in turmoil over worldly situations. Let Him fight your battles. I know it may sound easier said than done but it's my prayer that we all become more dependent on God and less on man. I hope that everybody is has a great day 😘☺

Monday, December 31, 2012

Should Old Aquantience Be Forgot...

 I guess the old saying is true: The older you get the faster the years seem to fly! I can not believe that 2012 is coming to an end. I don't know where the time went all. I know is that its December 31st and I have some recapping to do.
 For starters let me just say that I can not even remember where I was, who I was with, or what I was doing to bring in 2012 (lol). I have text so many people and asked, "Hey, was I with you to bring in 2012?" and all of my close friends replied, "No". Honestly, I was probably in the bed because if I wasn't at church I have no idea where I could've been.
 I have learned so much this year. I've had many cries, many laughs, many moments where I cried out to God because I didn't know how to go on, and the list goes on and on. I can truly say that I am nothing without God. I have learned so much about myself through God. He opened my eyes to things that were right in front of me but because I had no desire to know the truth I was forever in the shadows of lies.
 I'd have to say one of the most important things that I've learned is how to be content. Philippians 4:11 states, " Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am in to be content:" Now this may seem like an easy task to some people but this was one of the hardest things for me. When I was younger I struggled with low self esteem. I was overweight and I didn't find myself to be beautiful at all. The older I got it kinda faded away but every now and again it would come back. When it did come back I would feel so depressed. I felt like I needed other people to make me happy, or to validate that I was beautiful. I was tired of feeling ths way. I knew that the only way I could learn to love myself was by asking God to help me and He did. Until you make peace with who you are, you will never be content with what you have!
 Another lesson that I learned is: Letting Go
 I never realized how many situations I was actually holding on to until I started really talking to God. Not just praying but I mean having full conversations with Him. When our relationship started getting stronger the walls started coming down. I felt like I was breathing for the very first time. I saw things in a whole new light. I didn't know how much forgiving someone was beneficial to my growth. Once I forgave I was able to move on and close chapters that I thought I had dealt with months ago. A little thing I learned to tell if you have really moved on from a situation is how you feel when someone brings it up. If you get that little tingle in your stomach and you feel like you're gonna be sick, you haven't released it. That's what I was doing with so many situations that I was in. I would tell myself that I was over it but still have an uneasy feeling inside. If you cant wish that person well then you have not moved on.
  Once I began to let go, God started to open so many door for me and brought into my life so many people of purpose.
 I know a lot of people are saying, "I'm not changing. Ima be the same me I was in 2012." Yeah all that is good or whatever but I don't want to be same the person I was in 2012. I want to be better. So I'm not going to make any resolutions (seeing as half of them won't get done lol) I am making Declarations.

I Declare that I will:

  1. Always Keep God First
  2. Be a better Woman of God.
  3. hear from God clearer
  4. live my life in a way that is pleasing to Him
  5. remain pure
  6. priortize my time better
  7. Stay focused!!
  8. Drive more (lol)
  9. Stick to my diet
  10. Live a healthier lifestyle
  11. Be more approachable
  12. Dress classier
  13. Make A's every semester
And this is just to name a few. I claim that 2013 will be my year! I am so ready for whatever God has planned for me. I pray that He continues to keep my family, my pastors, and my close friends. 2012 definitely had its ups and down but God saw me through it all. I made it to see 20 years old! Two Decades (lol) I look forward to the journey that we are on. I'm ready for the ride!!

 Have a blessed and safe New Years!! See you in 2013!


Check out some memorable moments of 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012


Hey Everybody!!
 So much has been going on, a lot of changes. I have been really busy with school and just with life in general. God has of course been blowing my mind. He is beginning to show me so many things. Our relationship is constantly growing deeper and deeper. I have missed writing terribly. I know that I must do better at prioritizing and making sure I put writing in the mix somewhere. So many people have asked me am I still writing, I mean like people I never thought would read my blog. They'd be surprised to hear me say, "No." I then realized that this is not something that I can slack on because God gave me this platform and I must continue to do what He has placed on my heart to do.
 So enough with that let me give you guys the run down on my life (lol)

On School....
  I finished my first semester of college since I've been back home!! (Whoop Whoop lol!) I must say that I actually like FSCJ as far as classes go. After many talks and seeking God I have FINALLY (everybody say Finally) decided on a major: Business Management! Let me tell y'all I went back and forth through so many majors because I like well I want to do a lot of things, but God stepped in and even though I hate math (lol) I trust God and I know He isn't leading me in the wrong direction. So needless to say I will be at many tutoring sessions. I plan on staying at FSCJ until I receive enough credits to transfer. The college I plan on transferring to, well you'll just have to stay tuned :).

 On Family...
 My family is doing a lot better. November 27, 2012 my great grandfather passed away from Parkinson's Disease. For those of you who don't know what that is here's a link: . Even though we knew what the ending outcome would be, it still hurts to actually face it. He and my great grandmother were married for 64 years! That is a long time to share your life with someone. We all still have our moments but we know that he is with God now where he doesn't have to suffer or hurt anymore.

 My Love Life.....
 That sounds so funny to say. Well.... lol I don't really know what to say. Out of no where God sent me the person that He set me aside for. I mean letting God have full control has been the best thing I've ever done. He gave me what I least expected and turned it into something beautiful. His name is Jerrod by the way.  I don't wanna give away too much because I will be doing an entry on Christian Dating and our full story will be in there. So far its been great though. I am truly blessed, thankful, and humble. God did His thang as always lol.

 Well that's all I can think of right now. I hope everyone is having a wonderful night and continue to keep God first. Stay tuned for upcoming post!!

 Love, Zanda

Here are some pictures!!

 Me on a "Natural" Hair day 
 My mother & I on thanksgiving 
 My Best Friend Melisa 
 Me 12/17/2012
Us All Smiles